Disclaimer Yoga

The organizers & instructors (o & I ) which expression shall include all related entities employees, agents, affiliates, volunteers associated with them) expressly state that in general yoga is safe & beneficial but like any other health program, it need to be practiced judiciously, correctly & cautiously. No citing by O& I at yoga science camp /session to any health related /medical /other information is intended to be a substitute for professional judgment of a qualified health care provider. The O&I are not subject or liable to change the structure of the yoga science comp. / session to suit individual needs. Not all the presentation at the yoga science camp/ session may be suitable for everyone. If pain is experienced anyone during the practice of yoga it should be stopped immediately and a qualified health care professional should be consulted .The O & I assume no responsibility & will not be liable for harm, injury or damage resulting from any tort, negligence or from a breach of an express or implied participation in the yoga science camp/ session or while practicing anything presented therein. By participating in the yoga science camp/session the participant for himself/herself, , his /her heirs, and assigns, hereby expressly assumes all risk full responsibility & liability or participating & practicing anything presented therein & forever waives & releases and agrees to defend , indemnity & hold the O&I harmless from & against any & all claims or demands liabilities and settlements (Including without limitation, legal & accounting fees)
On or against the O&I for losses or damages , including, without limitation direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damage, personal injury/ wrongful death, resulting from or alleged to result from participating in or practicing anything that is presented in the yoga science camp/session reserve the right to deny participation at any time of the yoga science camp to any entity without assigning any reason whatsoever .

Disclaimer Ayurveda

The entire contents of this website are intended solely for the purpose of disseminating information. The information provided has not been evaluated by FDA & neither is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder in any form.
Note that all healthcare products & services offered by the site are not intended to replace for own doctor?s advice or any other medical recommendation. Neither is pranav yoga ayurveda healthcare to be held responsible in any shape of any opinion or recommendation with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.
All information present in the website is the sole properly of ?pranav? & may not be copied or reproduces completely or in explicit written consent of ?pranav?