Aayurveda Treatments and Medicine

Dr.Sanjay Maheshwari is a family doctor of ours for alternate pathy of allopathy.His diagnosis ,consultation ,massage and in house medicine have greatly helped all in the family right from myself,wife ,mother and kid

-- Deepak Wahi-Builder and develpor,9-Basera housing colony, Bedla road,Badgaun, Udaipur

मेरी तबीयत जनवरी 2013 में खराब हुई।मुझे खाना खाते ही उल्टी हो जाती थी,शरीर में बहुत कमजोरी हो गई थी।मेरा किसी काम मे मन नही लगता था।मैने अप्रैल में अहमदाबाद दिखाया,उससे भी कोई फर्क नही पडा।उसके बाद मैं 10 दिन दिल्ली में भर्ती रह कर आया तो मेरी तबीयत और खराब हो गई। मेरा हिमोग्लोबिन 7 पहुॅच गया था, पेट मे पानी भर गया था व पेरो मंे भी बहुत सूजन थी, वजन भी बहुत बढ गया था, प्लेटलेट भी बहुत कम हो गये थे थोड़ा सा चलने पर भी थकान हो जाती थी । फिर मैंने किसी के परामर्श से प्रणव योग आयुर्वेद के संजय जी माहेश्वरी का इलाज चालु किया जिससे मुझे धीरे धीरे फर्क पड़ने लगा। आज मुझे भूख प्यास भी ज्यादा लगती हैं और कोई तकलीफ भी नहीं हैं। अभी मेरा हिमोग्लोबिन 13़ प्लस हैं। लिवर के सारे टेस्ट नार्मल आ गये है,वजन 20 किलो कम हुआ हैं ,सुजन कही भी नही है,मैं फिर से अपना बिजनेस करने लगा हूॅ। (A patient,suggested for Liver transplant from Indian institute of liver and billiary sciences New – Delhi.)

--संजय बजाज S/O राधेश्याम बजाज, उम्र 35 वर्ष,581हिरण मगरी सेक्टर 11,उदयपुर

मुझे Irritable bowl syndrome (ग्रहणी)था। Digestive system से काफी परेशान था। अत्यधिक गैस बनना व बार बार फ्रेश होने की इच्छा होती थी। मुझे पर्पटी कल्प करवाया धीरे धीरे बहुत सुधार हो गया व जीवन शैली बदल गयी। अब समस्या नहीे के बराबर हैं।यहॉ का च्यवनप्राश, शहद तथा आयुर्वेदिक दवाईयों में शुद्धता व perfection हैं। मैं अधिकांश आयुर्वेदिक दवाईयॉ यही की प्रयोग करता हॅू।

-- सत्यप्रकाश मुन्दड़ा निदेशक-सरस्वती वि़द्यालय समूह ,द स्टेनवर्ड स्कूल उदयपुर

We consulted sir for various diseases all of them cured with proper care and medicine. Me and my family trust him and his medicine for all kind of diseases.Everyone should consult Dr. sanjay ji at least once if they really want to be cured without any harmful medicine. Diseases are cured-Obesity,Migraine,Skin problem,Periods skips ,respiratory allergy etc.

-- Ms. Ankita Jain,Mr. Ashok Jain, Mr. B.L. Jain & family Ashoka arts & exports,2-A Haridas ji ki magri,malla talai road,Udaipur-0294-2430124

श्री संजय माहेश्वरी जी से मैंने पाचन क्रिया कमजोर होने व रोग निरोधक क्षमता कम होने के कारण जो उपचार करवाया वह बहुत ही प्रभावी रहा साथ ही इनके द्वारा आयुर्वेद के प्रति जो समर्पण व निष्ठा के साथ इसमें आधुनिकता के साथ अध्ययन शील स्वभाव हैं वह बहुत ही प्रशंसनीय हैं। आयुर्वेद में कई चिकित्सकों से विस्तार से चर्चा करना मेरा एक स्वभाव ही है उसमें संजय जी अपना विशिष्ट स्थान रखते हैं। मैं इनके उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना करता हूॅ।

-- महेन्द्र सिंह शेखावत -उप महापौर नगर निगम, उदयपुर

I am grateful for the prompt and helpful services. I've got leech therapy for boils/abscess amazing and instant results pain and tenderness went away in single sitting. Thank you.

-- Frieda liapis -United states of America

Dr.Sanjay से दवा लेने के बाद हविश ( हमारा एक वर्ष का बेटा ) के सर्दी ,खॉसी,जुकाम में बहुत फर्क पड़ा हैं,पहले बार-बार जुकाम होता था व बहुत जोर से होता था अग्रंेजी दवाओ में अब तो हेवी एन्टीबायोटिक्स ने भी काम करना बन्द कर दिया था व निबुलाईजर का उपयोग करना पडता था ,पर अब नही होता है ,उसकी इम्युनिटी बढी हैं साथ ही उसका वजन भी बढा है व कब्ज की शिकायत भी नही रहती है।

--- शीला-आशीष कालिया, आजाद नगर भीलवाड़ा

मेरी मम्मी को पिछले 6-7 वर्षो से पुरे शरीर में दर्द होता था साथ ही हाड़ बुखार रहता था उनको हमेशा शरीर अंदर से गर्म लगता था ,दिन में सो जाती तो सिर दर्द होता था,मुॅह का स्वाद हमेशा कड़वा ही रहता था,खाना पुरा नही पचता था व कभी भी कही भी दर्द हो जाता था ।हमने उदयपुर से लेकर अहमदाबाद तक कई डॉक्टरो के चक्कर लगाएॅ व लाख से अधिक रूपये खर्च कर दिये हर बार दर्द की व बुखार की दवा देते थे ,जब तक दवा लेते सही रहते व कई बार तो दवा के साथ भी प्रॉब्लम हो जाती थी,दवाईयो के साईड ईफेक्ट से वजन भी बहुत बढ गया था, फिर हमारे एक भाईसाहब जिनका डॉ.साब ने किडनी का इलाज किया था उनके कहने पर हमने यहॉ पर ईलाज चालु किया डॉ साब ने कई दिनो तक भुखा रखा,साथ ही कुछ गोलिया व काढा पीने को देते थे फिर यहॉ पर कुछ थेरेपी दी आज मम्मी को कोई परेशानी नही हैं व न ही कोई दवा लेती है,हम किसान परिवार से है और मम्मी अब फिर से हमारे खेती के काम में मदद करती है और उन्हे कोई तकलीफ नही है।डॉ साब का बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद।

--- मनोज जोशी-मु.-पो.-ब्रह्मपुरी ,तहसील-सेमारी,उदयपुर

I had HIV +ve ,my CD4 count reduced up to 50.My appetite has been lost ,I had lot of problems ,my weight reduced up to 8-10 Kg.,I've left the hope of life, doctors suggested my family to serve me only ,there is no treatment ,I use to weep/scourge on my own & I was completely depressed & frustrated. but after having yoga sessions as well as Ayurveda & Panchkarma treatments with Dr.Sanjay Maheshwari and support of my family, I'm extremely Happy ,my apetite again became normal, my weight is again normal(increased up to 8-10 Kg),there were ups & downs in treatment like my CD4 count again went less up to 42 and haemoglobin up to 4.5 gm% during treatment,but I kept continue the treatment, my haemoglobin inceased up to unbelievable range 10.5 gm% in 1 month only and CD4 count increased up to 84 & then 141 & then 184 .,presently my life is more cool than past N I'm doing yoga 1-2 hrs. daily and taking Ayurveda medicines as prescribed by Dr.Sanjay. Thanks! Yoga Sir,I cant explain my gratitude in words,you saved my life. (We have authentic pathological reports copy in our records)

-- Heera (Altered Name) 56 years,Male,Udaipur.

मैं मूलतः चावण्ड का रहने वाला हूॅ व पिछले कई वर्षो से पूना(महाराष्ट्र) मेें रह रहा था एक दिन अचानक जी घबराया, उल्टी व पेट दर्द हुआ प्राथमिक उपचार से कोई फर्क नही पड़ा फिर सारे टेस्ट करवाएॅ तो पता चला किडनी फेल बताई साथ ही बी.पी. बढा हुआ था,सप्ताह में 3 दिन डायलिसिस होता था, अहमदाबाद में किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट की पुरी व्यवस्था कर ली थी फिर किसी के कहने पर हमने पुणे में एक वैद्य जी से परामर्श लिया और उन्होने हमे दवा के साथ-साथ पंचकर्म उपचार बताया हमने पूरा पंचकर्म उपचार डॉ. साब से करवाया क्रियटीनीन 12.5 से 4 पर आ गया ,हीमोग्लोबीन भी नार्मल रहता है,अब पिछले दो वर्ष से एक भी डायलिसिस नही करवाया,बी.पी. लगभग नार्मल रहता है ,चलने पर श्वास नही फुलता हैं,जी नही घबराता हैं,और मैं अब अपना स्वयं का व्यवसाय उदयपुर में ही करने लगा हूॅ।सर का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद ।

---प्रवीण जोशी(उम्र 35 वर्ष ),महिमा होजरी ,रामद्वारा चौक ,उदयपुर

Mere bete ko asthma ki problem hoti thi और injection ke Bina sahi nhi hota tha,बहुत बार hospital me admit करवाना padta tha , par yha ka treatment lene ke bad muje santusti he ki usko bhut hi aaram Mila he usko ab me yhi ka treatment deti hu best ayurvedic hospital in udaipur.

---Vandana Soni, Kapasan

Highly recommended! Very good and professional place. My boyfriend and I wanted to learn more about ayurveda, and learn about our own specific body constitutions + what it means for our lifestyle and food habits. We had a great consult, providing a very good starting point from where we can explore more about Ayurveda.

---Martina Netherlands

I have got skin issues, it was diagnosed as psoriasis by vaidya ji, vaidya ji advised panchkarma and life style which I am following and got very good relief. We are following vaidya ji as our family vaidya our whole family trust vaidya ji as first line of treatment. We recommend vaidya ji as best ayurveda consultant in Udaipur.

---Manish Paliwal,Badgaun Udaipur

Mere ko sirfard ko bahut bhayankar samasys thi mahine me ,15 din bshut jor se asahaniy sir dard hota tha yaha pat upchar ke bad bahut aaram hain.

---Jinendra Kachhara, Nai ,Udaipur

I was suffering with psoriasis , I have taken treatment at Pranav and my psoriasis is almost recovered,90-95% , initially number of medicines were 8-10 but as well as disease recovered Vaidya ji reduced the number of medicines.,as I have touring job so sometimes I can't follow all dietery instructions but still good recovery,hope I will get 100% cured, and lead psoriasis free life without medicines soon. Thanks Vaidya ji.

---Engineer Rajesh Lokhande, Maharashtra

This summer we were travelling in Rajasthan ,My mother got some nausea,head ache,lack of apetite ,stomuch ache,low energy and very uneasiness ,then consulted at pranav ,vaidya gave a syrup and powder and home remedy tips ,mother got very good relief in couple of minutes,ayurveda worked so fast it was unbelievible. Thanks vaidya ji for prompt reaction and emergency treatment.

---Official Yash Mehta,Bhayandar Mumbai

Sanjay helped me a lot in overcoming digestive issues bothering me for a long time. I learned so much and continue to learn about my body and all its dimensions through each consultation, yoga class and other services offered. I really appreciate his dedication and integrity to the vedic traditions and all its healing modalities. I feel genuinely listened to and guided to return to my authentic spiritual and peaceful self.

---Monica Figueredo ,USA

Last year Deewali , I have got severe pain in my back and abdomen ,then I consulted at Pranav , vaidya ji diagnosed as kidney stone a d then gave me tablets,kadha and powder ,I took these Medicines for some time and almost 1 and half year passed still no pain and no feeling of any uneasiness. Thanks Vaidya ji.

---Nandlal ,Eklavya Colony ,Udaipur

Great authentic Ayurveda center! I had the plesure of getting a 2 hour consultation with Dr.Sanjay where I learned a lot about how to use herbs and spices to cure general diseases. I got a few to help me cure some minor skin issues I have. He also gave me some printed instructions and guided me about how to learn more about Ayurveda:)

---Marius ,Denmark

Hamare Sabhi staff Va Family m kuch bhi health related problem hone par hum sabse pahle pranav yoga Ayurveda healthcare par hi dikhate hain aur yaha par vaidya ji hume bina koi jyada kharche va bina koi anavshayak jacho ke uchit upchar uplabhdha karwate hain. Hum yaha ke ilaj se bahut santushta hain va sabhi ko angreji elaj k bajay saste deshi elaj hetu vaidya ji Ka pata batate hain.


I am a Govt. School teacher At Karnapur ,Udaiour district;Rajasthan state. Previously i was feeling littile memory problem and immunity problem. Then i consulted here , Vaidya ji prescribed only single medicine that is; his own made Chatavanprash for regular use and after 3 months ;i am feeling very much better. Thanks for so nice treatment and pure ayurvedic medicine.

---Ram laxman meena,Bundi,Rajasthan

Pranav ayurveda is a institute where miracle happens. I was patient of hyper acidity.. I treated with ayurveda by vaidhya Sanjay maheshwary.... Thanks to Mr maheshwri n thanks to ayurveda now I totally free from hyper acidity.om shanti.

---Rajesh Joshi,Chavand Udaipur

It was such a great experience . Dr. Sanjay Maheshwari treated my kidney stone and cured me fully within 2-3 months.

---Diksha Arora,Hiran Magari Sector 07 Udaipur

I am a professional accountant my 6years old and he used to get frequent fever,cold and cough ,going to the doctors for his check up became our habbit and due to his sickness his school became very irregular most of the time he missed school due to his weakness and frequent sickness, then one of the our charterd accountant friend suggest to consult at Pranav then here at Pranav, vaidyaji gave medicine for immunity of our son then after that medication he completely cured with his all problems and know he is living normal healthy life and his immunity increased and small changes in season does not effect him, thanks Pranay Yoga Ayurveda Healthcare Udaipur.

---ANIL PALIWAL,Chetak Marg Udaipur

My mother is 76 years old and she got pain in her knees,we are from rural background and she used to do lot of hard work,but due to pain in her knees she was unable walk even then me and my brother with reference of someone met vaidya ji at pranav and then he advised some lepa,oils,panch karna therapies along with ayurveda Medicines after 1 month treatment my mother got very good relief in her knee pain and after that she is able to do her routine work at our farm and day to day household works.thanks pranav yoga Ayurveda healthcare.

---Ganesh Joshi,Rishabhdev,Udaipur

Bestever ayurveda, panchkarma and yoga hospital i have seen, i have got brain heamoorrhage and paralysis, then i got consultations and yoga ayurveda and panchkarma treatment here and got full relief, fully professional and dedicated team. I recommend everyone for this hospital.

---Om Prakash Jajoo,Kapasan,Chittorgarh

Thsi is the only place where i found real ayurveda treatments ,true spirit of ayurveda resides here ,an authentic panchkarma centre otherwise people are doing just massage @name of panchkarma,pranav yoga ayurveda healthcare is doing great work in field of ayurveda ,best ayurveda hospital in town.

---Ramprasad Meena,Bundi,Rajasthan

Due to sudden rise in blood pressure I got brain hemorrhage N left body got paralyzed.I wasn't able to walk N speak. I was feeling very low. Then I came here at Pranav you Ayurveda Udaipur. Treatment goes around 1 month. Dr Sanjay has very good knowledge N commands on ayurvrda. His treatment help me improve me physically N mentality as well. He is so jolly in nature as on first talk I felt myself stress free. Now I can walk independently.. A very big thanks to Dr Sanjay Maheshwari. Staff members were also co-operative N supportive. U guys were done what was seem impossible for others. Thanks a lot for giving me new life.

---BAL KRISHNA JAJOO,Kapasan Chittorgarh.

Me ,my brother and my sister was suffering with typical skin problem.we tried many allopathy doctors but didnt find any solution atlast we decided to try ayurveda and consulted at pranav yoga ayurveda health care after 2 months treatment we all got complete relief from that problem.thanks I recommend this hospital as best ayurvedic hospital in udaipur.

---Manasi,Agriculture Student MPUAT ,Udaipur

I have been visiting pranav yoga ayurveda Healthcare for last 4 years, I M basically contractor for furniture works, me and my all staff family regularly using pranav's medicines for our all health related issues and always satisfied with the medicines and consultancy provided here.thanks

---Shanti Lal Shanti Lal,Devgarh,Rajsamand